nick dantona fine art photography

Artist Statement

I am a child and a product of the Sixties who has had the good fortune of a successful, thirty-year career as a creative professional and artist. My work is influenced by the music, message and events of that generation:
Love is the most powerful force in the universe.

I make photographs that attempt spiritual depth and meaning, challenging an age of scientific materialism, nihilism and spiritual bankruptcy.

I make photographs as a quest for authenticity and a plea for the rediscovery of connection.

I make photographs in pursuit of love and the Divine Source of Love.

As an artist and as a man I make this statement: Love is the answer.


nicholas dantona

Nick has been making photographs since 1975. He started his career as a TV cameraman on the Soap Opera, The Edge of Night. One day on set the Technical Director gave him an old 35mm Yashica SLR with the instructions: take a lot of shots and make good notes. That process continues to this day. Currently, he has mostly stopped exhibiting his work domestically and internationally unless there is some under the table payola involved. This finances all the pieces he donates to charity auctions.

Occasionally, Nick will make a stunning photograph or two, sufficient enough to convince him to continue his career as an artist.  His love for photography is so deep that no one has the heart to tell him any different. Mercifully, foundations, museums, corporate offices and private collectors acquire his work for real money.

He is not fond of the expression, “award-winning photographer,” but is completely captivated by people (especially British people) who walk funny. If you’re ever in downtown Nashville, Naples or NYC you might catch him practicing.

Apart from his own selfish endeavors, Nick is a founding member of SouthLight Salon, is an Honorary Nashville PhotoGirl and sits on the Board of a couple of photographic societies.

nashville/naples 615.364.1875